Youngest of Seven
Born the youngest of seven in a large Catholic family in Seattle, I was raised in a house way too small for the nine people, dog, and cat living there. This made escape from each other impossible, but learning from the experience inevitable. The lessons learned there are a large reason I am a therapist today!
Big on love, laughter, chaos, and anxiety my family taught me that life is full of wonder and pain -- you don't get to have one without the other. We live best when we're able to embrace life as a whole, making room for all of it -- not just the easy stuff.
I also learned that being seen is the most powerful medicine there is. What we want more than anything in life is to be recognized -- for who we really are. By some cruel trick of human nature, though, this also tends to be one of our greatest fears. I became a therapist to help others face this fear and dare to be seen. I believe this is what heals us and makes us whole!
From my own journey I discovered that living our life today starts when we can make sense of the life behind us. It helps to know our own story if we want to be in charge of writing the next chapters. We don't have to wallow in our history, we just need to understand, accept, and learn from it.
People want to live a life they can really love, not one they have to endure. Unfortunately, we often discover that what we long for most in life is tangled up with some of our deepest fears and anxieties. Ultimately, I became a therapist because I understand this conflict. I am deeply passionate about helping others face these worries, fears, and anxieties so they can get closer to a life that's meaningful.
Dancing Stars
Good therapy has the power to create great moments. Moments where everything you thought you knew about yourself is turned upside down. This can happen with tears, with laughter, or even in silence. This happens best when we enter into this journey together, both working, both risking to listen to your pain and allow it to point us in the direction of your greatest healing. When we face the darkest, most chaotic parts of who we are, something new and joyful can be created.
“You have to have a little chaos in you to give birth to a dancing star.”
I am a therapist because I want to help you understand the chaos and anxiety in your life so you can love more fully, laugh more deeply, and give birth to your own dancing star.
How can I help? Schedule your first session or set up a free phone consultation.